• Field Tech Support Software that lets you manage all your devices, customer problems and maintenance services with a single app.

    Monitor all your devices and operators work in one place.

    See for yourself by testing it.

  • Be sure that every job was made correctly by design the set of steps to perform during the service or receiving the notification.

    A number of leading questions or necessary steps can be assigned to each operation.

    See for yourself by testing the system today.

  • Allow your partners to report a problem or a requirement quickly and easily without having to involve you .

    Simply scan a special code on the device to inform the service.

The only app you need to control over all devices with your team.

Check all features or make request for trial and work smarter.

Preview of the entire service process

By observing on one screen all devices grouped by the service stage, you receive clear information about what happens to each and every device.

Since every device is handled individually, the operator may intervene in case of a long running process.

The workflow becomes readable, easy and user-friendly. Therefore, the operator will not overlook any device.

Each team member can see the assigned tasks that are involved in a device maintenance, so the operator can take an action.

Kanban process presentation simplifies the task management.

Time tracking helps to solve the issue.

Automatic scheduling of cyclical works

You can define the maintenance interval. Our application will schedule the works for every device.

The application will notify the operator to schedule the date of next maintenance based on the devise history.

Automated scheduling saves the time.

Taking into the account the device history, application schedule the next maintenance based on the current device workload.

Quick access to the device database

Dashboard with all devices and their current status. No need to track each device individually.

One list with all devices in maintenance.

Easy access to the device status. Filter the devices that require urgent action.

User Work Report

Generate the report with completed tasks and used parts

The device data is being constantly collected and always easy to access. There is no need to use the spreadsheets.

The reports help manage the stock and the operators bonuses.

All data in one place.

Analyze the reports with completed tasks, used parts and device mileage.

The tool for you and your operators

One universal tool.

Single app for whole team

While being in the field, report the completed task, check the schedule or your list of devices requiring the maintenance at different stages.

Generate the protocols containing such information as device mileage or completed tests.

Access to the device history speeds up the troubleshooting of the edge cases.

Easy on-boarding of new employees.

Parameters are the key components of the device usage and maintenance.

Historical events provide details about devices components, reported issues, performed health checks or operation of devices.

Manual or other attachments are easily accessed.

Certainty that the work has been done correctly thanks steps for every action

Each action consists of a number of steps to perform. The application can provide more information on completed tasks or devices in the form of pictures, device mileage or work confirmation.

The generated report will help the operator not to overlook any step.

Solve the issues before it is reported by providing additional information.

Upload the photo with error messages.

High customer service requires well-defined processes.

Prepare the report of performed steps or take a photo of work completion.

Generate the protocol and send it to the client automatically

The app can generate the protocol or other documents for you.

Send the completed work details straight to the client easily.

No need to prepare documentation manually.

The documentation is linked to the historical event.

Send a service notification.

No more emails and phone calls thanks mobile app for client

To raise an issue, just scan the device QR code and select an adequate action. No more annoying emails and phone calls.

Unified communications means facilitate the work for you and your partners.

The raised issue contains information linked to a specific device. One can attach a photo with an error message.

Get a request for missing consumables.

Get customer needs in single report

Unified communication means and the possibility to send a query help you learn and execute business requirements.

You may supply business with different services.

Spare parts.

Marketing materials.


Product offer.

App integrations with other systems

Subiekt GT Firmao

You can also integrate your app with different systems using Zapier or REST API.

Thanks that you can automate many processes:

  • Slack notification,
  • Raising issues from different systems e.g. Frash Ping,
  • CRM integration, e.g. Pipedrive,
  • ... much more.

All for the price of one refueling

For the value of one refueling you get a whole set of tools needed to control devices and services.

Free version.  

Free version will help you easily control the first hundred of your devices.

✓ No need to connect payment cards.
Service monitoring in the configured process.
✓ Ready action set.
✓ One device type.
✓ Ability to configure and monitor reviews for devices.

If you have any questions, you can always count on our support.

49 USD
per month
for 100 services.

Min: 100 maintaining services
Max: 500+

Price depends on the number of completed services in a given month.

1 USD per maintaining service action.
All other service actions are unlimited and free of charge.
Unlimited users and devices.
All features included.

Customer service support and full refund up to two months.

Your support process can consist of several actions, but mostly only one action will have service type.

  1. New issue
  2. Prepare for service
  3. On site service
  4. Invoice

We help in support over 1,300 devices.

You're just one step away from adding yours.

Leave some information to gain access to your free account

Thanks to this, you will be able to test the application on your own skin.


Have a nice day!